Monday, May 28, 2007

For the coin!

Well, I can't say I did my best on that last Total War 2 tourney because I lost my last game against Carlos. I blame no one else but myself for that loss, and it was because I did not follow one of the prime rules of war - to know thy enemy.

There stood my warcaster, confident that her feat can freeze up all of the Temple Flameguard in front of her. Then I learned right then and there that they have an ability which prevents them from being frozen. Like what I posted on the other forums, it does seem stupid for me to buy the rulebooks but rarely get to read them.

I can say I may have been too complacent, or too worried of domestic issues, or just plain too tired. Or all of the above. I'll just charge it to experience and do better next time. It was such a dumb way to lose.


I took a break at the Howling Griffons painting project and started to make a Khadoran outpost instead. Barby helped me so it's really cool and sweet of her. It's very much like Alfonso Falco's Khadoran outpost in the No Quarter issue 3, but I left the roof off so I can place models on top of it (cough... cough... Widowmakers... cough). Then I realized there're some rule discrepancies with elevated models and such. I already posted a query about that on the local RHGC forums. Hopefully I get an answer that clarifies things before I continue.

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