Opponent: Pork (Mercenary Magnus)
Scenario: 500-points Pendulum
Wargroup: Sorscha, Destroyer heavy warjack, Juggernaut heavy warjack, Widowmakers, Winter Guard Mortar Crew (x2), Man-O-War Kovnik, Manhunter, Eiryss (490 points)
The terrain proved troublesome for my two Winter Guard Mortar. There were many blind spots where Pork's units could hide behind, barring me any good bombard shots. So I decided to force him to push forward and abandon any safe cover in lieu of securing senario objectives.
Sorscha traced a beeline towards Magnus and used Icy Gaze, rendering everything within 12" stationary. I then proceeded to unleash long-range 20" bombards on the unmoving Magnus. Icy goodness! Result: Sorscha victorious!

Opponent: Emp (Everblight Lylyth)
Scenario: 300-points Foothold
Wargroup: Sorscha, Destroyer heavy warjack, Manhunter, Winter Guard Mortar Crew (x2), Eiryss (298 points)
First Hordes opponent! Looking at the earlier games played, I had a rough idea of how an Everblight wargroup plays. I knew what a Carnivean and Shredders do. Then Emp played a Totem Hunter, and after reading out his stats to me, I decided that it had to go first.
Lining up a nice lane, I had Sorscha cast Boundless Charge on the Manhunter. With a nice 11" charge and 4D6 P+S 11, the TH was dispatched easily. Of course, my Manhunter paid the price shortly after.
And with the funky rules that allow you to displace wounds between the warlock and warbeasts, I decided to dispatch the small gribblies first. With only Lylyth and the Carnivean left (I had a Destroyer, Eiryss, Sorscha and two Mortar with good shot distance), I had my FTW tactic ready ~ come in with a whoosh and keep Lylyth tied down with Freezing Grip while a focus-fueled Destroyer would mow down the Carnivean after hitting it with Mortar rounds. Result: Sorscha victorious!
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