Excerpts from the journal of Kyril Nedeljakov, Iron Fang Pikeman:
I was flogged today, for questioning the Kommandant's orders. I was punished for my disapproval at our loss earlier at the hands of the trollkin chieftain, Ironhide. But I ask myself, was my discontent not justified? Not only did the Kommandant allow our Juggernaut to be destroyed by the enemy dire troll, but he has ordered retreat when we vastly outnumbered our foes. I was flogged because I made myself heard. There is little room for doubt for whoever serves the Motherland. But I happily accepted my punishment despite my inward search for reason.
Not long after I was unlashed, Iron Fang Kapitan Andreas ordered me to take up arms and drill until dawn. I was indeed honored, for my battle brothers offered to join me, and carry the burden of punishment, even though they were not at fault. Even more so honored was I when Kapitan Andreas himself joined the rank, too.
On the fifth hour, I did notice Kommandant Irusk himself make his regular rounds around camp. He stopped, and observed our pike attack forms, our formations and defense. I remember he only stood there for a moment, but it seemed much longer.
There is no room for doubt nor questions in the hearts and mind of soldiers. There is only undying loyalty and honor in combat. The Kommandant said nothing. But his presence there made me understand everything. My place is not to question my betters. My place is to serve the Motherland. My place is to fight for the Motherland. And if need be, my place is to die for the Motherland.
500 points Khador scenario: Pit Fight
Kei's Madrak Ironhide victorious over Kim's Kommandant Irusk
Kei won by objective, rendering my Juggernaut broken in the middle of the objective area. DTM FTW!
There were bad dice rolls and bad tactics on my part, but whether it's by an inch or a mile, winning's winning. Hat's off to you, dude. You're one of the big boys now. The rest of the boyz will be expecting a lot from you from now on ^_^
Fortune favors the guy at the opposite end of the table
- Missing ALL five attacks (two basic and three from FOC) from MAT 7 Superiority Juggernaut against DEF14 Trollblood Champions