Saturday, February 18, 2006

Free Weekend

• Started new weblog, Miniature Wargaming, which tackles in-depth topics, articles, reviews, etc. for my beloved hobby. Also a good site to direct newbies to.
• Updated Warmachine Philippines blogsite on latest ranking and WMPH-UPCFA events.
Jaemark says my schedule might be adjusted yet again; from a Monday to Friday, it becomes a Sunday to Thursday. Either way, I'm sure to appear at off times at the office anyway.
• Need to have laundry done tomorrow morning, since I might be required to head back to the office for new sked. Hopefully the Labadoc people get those done by late afternoon.


Kyuzo said...

Great idea to come up with the new miniature gaming weblog Dude! Will link it right away... ;)

Good luck on the next 30 episodes of sponge bob... :P

Pinoy Wargamer said...

Thanks. Well, I'm planning on condensing lotsa stuff online and make them available on that blog, or their URLs at least.

I kinda noticed that when I converse with interested newbies on other forums, the questions are always the same. Making that new blog is better than repeating myself hehe.

I'll be heading home in a bit, so those 30 new episodes of Spongebob will be breezed through. Semi-white noise while I'll paint at home.