I guess there's a first time for everything. Things just got too busy with the reunion, the folks at home, the side projects, D&D 4th edition, the HGR minitourney... I only logged in five of the ten games needed for the Call To Arms II league.
I did well with my games though. Here they are:
Game 1: eVlad victorious over Lesther's eKreoss via casterkill
Game 2: Karchev the Terrible victorious over Fred's eAsphyxious via casterkill with Kodiak
Game 3: eVlad victorious over Fred's Asphyxious via objective
Game 4: Irusk victorious over Jeff's eHaley via objective
Game 5: eVlad victorious over Jeff's eCaine via casterkill
Ah well, maybe I can do better next time. Now, I can concentrate on repainting my Necrons for the upcoming 40K Grand Tournament this August. And some more relaxed casual WMH gaming ^_^
Monday, June 30, 2008
Call To Arms II Unfinished
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Harvest of Garrison Sector
I got to play in a minitournament hosted by HGR last Saturday at Robinsons Galleria and won 2nd place. Read more on Tomb Fleet Vyr.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Cheap Display Cases
This is a take from the hobby project show on WeeToySoldiers:
I did not bother much with transparency, as I just wanted a space-saving display case that also helps with keeping the miniatures dust-free. Also instead of using PVC pipe for spacing, I just cut 2" strips of plasticard and superglued them to hold the upper CD levels.
I tried placing epic Vlad on the second CD level and I saw that what I set up cannot handle that much weight in metal. But they work perfectly well with plastic 40K Necrons. I got to free up some space in my big cabinet with this thing. ^_^
Materials used:
• 100-piece CD spindle (50 Php)
• Plasticard
• Loctite superglue
• Utility cutter
• Cutting mat
• Pencil
Essentially, I only spent for the spindle since I already had the other stuff I had at home (the perks of hoarding a lot of hobby stuff over the years). It took me only a few hours - since I was flitting between doing the project and watching Hellraiser and eating dinner.
Looks like I'll be making more of these (and essentially thinking of better ways so that the upper CD levels can hold heavy metal miniatures, too).
Khadoran Ogrun Bokur
This is my Khador army's Ogrun Bokur. I did no conversion on this model despite the local craze of replacing the head with GW Ork heads back in 2006.
I painted him predominantly red, and using the heavy black and red scheme of Irusk on the cover of No Quarter #1. I had been greatly influenced by Confrontation back then so I decided to add some of its flavor on this miniature.
This is also the first time I tried to better my methods with taking pics with Koi's digicam. Maybe later on I can come back to this miniature and improve on my painting on it.
I'll just use this post as reference to what I already did and what I plan to do for it in the future.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
It's official! I'm now a full-fledged Press Ganger! I know I've been pimping this hobby since it started in this country, but now I can do it the proper Press Ganger way!
Hello Mr. Ian Navarro,
Your application has been accepted and you are now a full member of the Privateer Press Gang!
Please take some time to go to the press gang forum (you will have access within the next 24 hours) and introduce yourself and become familiar with the FAQ and all the tools and resources you need.
Please feel free to let me know if there is anything else you need or if you have any questions.
Glad to have you aboard!
Thank you again for your interest,
Privateer Press Quartermaster
Dan Brandt
Sunday, June 01, 2008
CTA2 First Blood
Apparently, the games we played at Pitshop yesterday were the first ones to start off the Call To Arms 2 league. Despite the late start and the few number of games, I think I have made a good start with my Khador army.
I got to fight Lesther and his Protectorate of Menoth. I was making lists before Les and Kei arrived at home yesterday, so I was more prepared in a way. I used Dark Champion Vladimir Tzepesci, more affectionately known as epic Vlad. I don't have my army list now so I'll just post it later on.
We played 750 points in an SR4 Contested Ground scenario. Les used an Exemplar-heavy Grand Exemplar Kreoss list. As far as I can remember, he had two units of Knights Exemplar, a unit of Exemplar Errants, a fat squad of Temple Flameguard, a unit of Idrian Skirmishers, the Piper of Menoth, a Devout and a Guardian (the rest I can't remember right now).
I got in a second-turn Caster Kill victory via eVlad's Blood Legacy feat. I took care of his bodyguard Devout first. He made a Defensive Strike against a Blood Legacy Doom Reaver, but one of the other two made short work of it. Blood Legacy Drakhun got Flying Pegasus via Behemoth and easily broke eKreoss.
An underslept Kei fought Les' same army next, with Kei using his Grim Angus list. Kei was pretty much out of it and Les was playing 40K style with his Protectorate army.
After those two games, Les had to leave early so me and Kei met with Mando at home, where he tried out a 750 beast-heavy Legion of Everblight Saeryn list against my eIrusk list.
We played SR3 Killing Fields. Since he is obviously faster, he go to two of the points on his first turn. My Winterguard Mortar was useful with eIrusk's Fire For Effect, taking a big chunk of his Striders who took the left point. Despite three consecutive snake-eyes rolls, Battle Lusted Iron Fang Pikemen on the charge can still easily bring down a Carnivean. Extra bonus is Shield Wall-ing right after and taking the point after the slaying the warbeast.
There was a chance that eIrusk could have charged Saeryn with only one Fury left - but I decided against it. All I needed to do was ensure eIrusk's survival and I would win via objective. Balancing a risky charge move (hitting Saeryn on 9 and hoping to do big damage) or securing a guaranteed win via objective? Winning's winning.