Monday, October 17, 2005

The Art of War, Week 42

Journal of a Warmachinist, 9th Entry

I finally had some time to sit down and put some more work on my Warmachine models. The Juggernaut came out pretty OK. I'm thinking of settling with my current Khador painting style instead of stripping off the paintjob now. Maybe I'll put in some practice with Jio's airbrush on some other models before committing it on my Khador warjacks.

Retouched my Sorscha some more. The result came out good enough for me. I put in a different painting style on the red armor and the red clothing areas on Sorscha. She's still red, but the cloth will be distinct from the armor. Glued some grass on her base, and freehanded on the split for front and rear arc.


Tomb Fleet Vyr Phases Out At The Kolat Cup

I can only blame myself for not putting in too much practice with 40K which attributed to many, many wrong moves at the recent Kolat Cup. Too much WFB but not a Kolat WFB tourney in sight. Ah well..


Drifting Between Light And Darkness, First Drift

From some book that some of my friends are familiar with, there's a line that goes, "The Wheel turns as the Wheel wills." And right now, I'm at the bottom spoke choking on road dirt and drowning on gravel and mud.

Yeah, I fucking hate people who whine but do little to help themselves out of the shithole they let themselves fall into.



Pinoy Wargamer said...

With some search-fu done on the PP forums, and the very friendly replies from Australian Warmachine players, I finally found out where it can be bought in Brisbane (or near Brisbane).

My brother already saw the store, and was kind enough to offer to buy me some stuff that I needed. And yeah, even in Australia, Warmchine IS cheaper than Warhammer.


Pinoy Wargamer said...

Too true, dude. Ah, boys and their toys, for that's all we'll ever be ^_^


Rebuffed my blog's layout a bit. Dropped the big banner-sized gfx up top, and sent my CBOX at the bottom of the page.

Pinoy Wargamer said...

I think I'll stay my hand at buying any more Warhammer. I don't have the spending power as the others, so I will just have to content myself with my Vampire Counts and KDL for WFB; and Necrons and some MEQ army WIP for 40K

Salubri said...

yeah... it's a good thing i mostly have what i need in 40k and fantasy. as to what i want... i'll just wait till some hapless player goes on a room cleaning session. lolz.

Pinoy Wargamer said...

LOL What else are you aiming at getting, Ryan?