Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Long Walk

I already experienced this from last year when Mando invited me and Kei to walk with him from Robinson's Galleria all the way to that church in Antipolo. I know that afterwards, I have drenched my shirt in so much sweat and that I can easily walk up from ground floor to 6th floor at work. It was funny because Kei had apparently "written himself into a contract" which he must be forced to comply.

This year it was different. There were a lot of us - Mando, Kei, Papa Jun, Tiny, Sarah (Tiny's sister), Barby and myself. And worse, the shoes I had on had REALLY, REALLY thin rubber soles. Walking around in Galleria, I felt the contour of the ground I walked on. I knew they'd hurt more when we started walking.

And hurt they did.

I was the slowest in pace because each step was excruciating. Foolishly, I trudged onwards without calling the signal to rest. I dunno, maybe I had to prove that despite the pain, I can still push myself onwards.

When we got to Chowking, I was about to agree with Kei to put a stop to the madness and just take a ride there. But when I got rested, I felt I could finish it. I mean, I already finished it last year anyway.

But I did get to finish, painful and numb feet and all.

I could have had a long weekend since I have my off day on Fridays and Saturdays -- would have been Thursday all the way to Saturday with me just gaming at Fortress and/or Galleria. The pain with each step put a quick and harsh end to that.

Pics on my Multiply page here.

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