Monday, April 21, 2008

Warhammer Grand Tournament 2008

I will be moderating the Grand Tournament for Warhammer Fantasy this year (and will be playing odd man competitor if need be with the new Vampire Counts or the new Daemons of Chaos). More updates on this event soon!


Some miniatures I got painted recently: HORDES Bog Trog Ambusher and Circle Orboros Argus


Updating my blog links!

the wind up KC chronicle
KC hasn't been updating her Multiply site, but I'll link it here anyway.
Self-Proclaimed Geek
Jun just started his own blog. Check it out while he's still posting one article everyday!
Where is Kat?
Where's Kat? She's keeping in touch with pics on her Multiply site.
Jillian hasn't been updating her Multiply site, but let's put it up here, too.


Badbeef said...

pareng Kim...

anychance you can tell me the date for the tournament?

Need to plug it in as soon as I can
Ala motivation to paint some of my stuff that has been gathering dust for a while na :D

Pinoy Wargamer said...

It's scheduled to be on the last week (Saturday) or May.