Monday, July 14, 2008

WIP Long-overdue Behemoth

I've bought this Khador Behemoth since Mang's shipment came in way back a few years ago. I had included it in several attempts to repose and convert it to how the artwork for it is in the Apotheosis rulebook. In the end, I decided to scrap the ideas and go for default. I'm no Golden Daemon painter. I'm no tactical expert. I just aspire to be somewhat capable in both areas though.

It's almost done, even with the experimental step back into forced highlights. Hopefully I can finish it within the week. I'm working on the skills required to make it better before I work on Karchev.


Unknown said...

ano yung forced highlights?

Anonymous said...

The typical GW method. In that Behemoth, it's using orange to force the highlight on the warjack's edges, and Shadow Grey for the black parts. There is too much flash in Mr. Karmic Backstab's picture, but the highlights can be seen.

Pinoy Wargamer said...

Yeah, what he said LOL